Landlords pay to bring properties up to energy efficiency standards
This November saw changes that effect Landlords in England & Wales. Energy and Clean Growth Minister Claire Perry announced that the Government will make landlords in England and Wales pay up to £3500 for making improvements to rented properties to bring the properties in line with the minimum energy efficiency standards. The minimum energy efficiency standards will be a minimum of an E rating from April 2020.
This will have a significant effect on landlords. Currently, landlords who own a property with an EPC rating of F of G were given a further two years to make appropriate improvements as of 1st April 2018.
The Government state that the average cost for bringing properties up to an EPC rating of E will be £1200. EPC ratings can be affected by e.g. low energy lighting, inefficient boilers, loft insulation and more.
Claire Perry who is the Energy and Clean Growth Minister stated:
“While the vast majority of landlords take great pride in the properties they own, a minority still rent out housing that is difficult to keep warm. Everyone should be protected against the cold in their own home and today’s announcement will bring this reality closer.”
David Cox, who is the Chief Executive, ARLA Property mark commented:
“The Government should now show its support for landlords by reintroducing the Landlords’ Energy Saving Allowance (LESA) and extending it to include anything contained within the Recommendations Report of an EPC.”
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