Tag Archives | Tenants

‘E’ is only the beginning, get ready for ‘C’

Find an Energy Performance Certificate
Did you know that the UK government allows you to check online whether a property as an active Energy Performance Certificate and all the information you need to get started is your postcode. Simply visit this web address: https://find-energy-certificate.digital.communities.gov.uk/find-a-certificate/type-of-property and enter your postcode after following the prompts. It’s a great service that will […]

AIIC petition for compulsory Independent Inventory Reporting
AIIC petition for compulsory Independent Inventory Reporting There has been a major issue in the world of property renting for both tenants and honest landlords. Currently landlords have the power to sign off on their own inventory reporting, this can be an unethical practice if the landlord has ulterior motives and has the power to […]

Homes Fit for Human Habitation – Standard of Living
HOMES FIT FOR HUMAN HABITATION – Standard of Living If you are a private sector residential Landlord owning property in the England and/or Wales that is rented to tenants the information in this article will be very useful to you and if passed into law will potentially signify a number of changes for you and your […]

CARMARTHEN LANDLORD FORUM If you are a landlord and want to find out more about the industry while networking and meeting with other landlords, why not come to the Carmarthen Landlord Forum on the 29th Of November? The event will be held at the Ivy Bush Royal Hotel in Carmarthen, commencing at 7pm and closing at […]